Angry Kids and the Parents Who Love Them

ASK YOURSELF AS A PARENT: Does your child’s alarm clock turn a wake-up call into a moody battle? Does your teen drop all his clothes on the floor so you can’t walk through his room? Or do you feel like your teen is freezing you out with a glare in his eyes? How do you…

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The Importance of Play for Children

Play is a Child’s Work: How Parents Encourage Creativity and Learning Play is how children learn, discover, express curiosity, and communicate. Different kinds of play bring out different aspects of our kids’ personalities and points of view. Parents can help their children learn, make new discoveries, and enjoy adventures by encouraging play time activities. When…

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Toddler Tantrums

WHAT IS A TANTRUM? A tantrum occurs when a child’s whole system of managing feelings and thoughts collapse. It is a communication that happens suddenly. The child may lay down on the floor, scream, kick her feet, throw her arms about, and twist her body violently. If the parent becomes frantic, so will the child.…

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How to Deal with A Narcissist?

What’s the Difference Between a Narcissist with a Personality Disorder and a Selfish Person? Key characteristics of a Narcissist: They talk about themselves almost exclusively. They have fantasies of greatness. They require constant praise They experience a sense of entitlement They take advantage of others They are envious of others They relish being the center…

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Who is Attracted to Narcissists and Why

What conditions contribute to the attraction, intoxication, or codependency of one adult on another with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What is the codependent/narcissistic dynamic? The potentially codependent adult suffers from an inner belief that she or he is less important than others. These painful feelings that give this person an experience of themselves as inadequate…

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