60+ Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist
Signs You’re Dealing With a Narcissist (According to Experts) pjourney By The Editors Published on April 22, 2022 Narcissists are often difficult to deal with and can leave you feeling drained and frustrated. But knowing the indicators can help you protect yourself and make things a little easier. If you think you might be…
Read MoreAt Birth, What Does Your Baby Know and Feel?
From birth, infants live in a two-person social world—you and your baby. That is, they coordinate their behaviors with those of their primary caretaker, who will play with them from the very start. You will notice how they are alert from their first moments after birth and have active minds and multiple physical and emotional…
Read MoreEmpathy in Preschoolers
INSTILLING VALUES IN PRESCHOOLERS There seems to be a common set of core values that most parents want to instill in their children: kindness and empathy. The best way to teach these values is by demonstrating them. When young children reveal these attributes, parents are proud not only of their kids, but of themselves. Children…
Read MorePowerful Women on the Inside
Power Women: Laurie Hollman On How To Successfully Navigate Work, Love and Life As A Powerful Woman An Interview With Ming Zhao Feb 17 · 21 min read Please remember I am talking today about strong women on the inside, not those who must become public figures or actual warriors. These are women who are…
Read MoreAsparagus Soup for the Winter Prepared by Parents and Kids
Recipe Ingredients 2 Tbsp olive oil 4 Tbsp butter 1 tsp black pepper salt to taste 1 tspn thyme 6 cloves garlic 1 large onion 1 bunch of fresh asparagus 1/2 bag frozen peas 1 full bag of fresh spinach 1 cup cream 4 cups vegetable or chicken broth Directions 1. in large sauce…
Read MoreTake Advantage of Winter Storms with Your Kids
Living in increasingly wide-spread significant snow belts is a new adjustment for many this year. Even online learning isn’t always done when snow falls are so extreme teachers and administrators lose power and cannot even work from home. So our kids are getting the breaks we used to get before online learning was part of…
Read MoreQ & A with Laurie Hollman about the Parental Intelligence Way with Lisa Day from Booktime
How long has your anxiety book been in the works? A book about anxiety in children began with the publishing of Unlocking Parental Intelligence: Finding Meaning in Your Child’s Behavior in 2015. The Busy Parent’s Guide to Anxiety was an offshoot of that primary book. This first book gave a five-step approach to parenting that…
Read MoreWhy Kids Hit and What to Do About it
Why Do Kids Hit? Hitting like all behavior is a message–a communication that the child cannot put into words so they put it into action. Whether it’s an unusual occurrence or a frequent one, at all ages, there is an important message. The parent’s job of course is for the child and person being hit…
Read More5 Things Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Thrive and Excel in School
Dr. Laurie Hollman On The 5 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Children Thrive and Excel In School Authority Magazine Dec 23, 2021 · 13 min read Parents need to be open and delighted to learn from their children who are growing up in a world so different than the previous generations. Parents need…
Read MoreParenting Issues as a Result of Long-Haul COVID-19
Have you been feeling lately like your kids need you more than ever? Are they asking when you and they will get all their vaccinations? Do they question when they’ll go to school all the time and not take quarantines at home anymore? Are they frustrated with online learning? Do they miss their friends –…
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