Should Screen Time be Limited? How and Why

MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT SCREEN TIME LIMITS There is a general misconception that screen time inhibits and isolates children and teens when in large measure the games and online activities are most often engaged by several children at once in grade school and high school promoting not only socialization but collaborative problem solving and an enrichment of…

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Narcissistic Parents

70+ Signs of a Narcissistic Parent 70+ Signs of a Narcissistic Parent (+ Ways to Cope) (   Short Version–A Narcissistic Parent   A parent who is so self-involved they do not realize they use their child as an appendage to add to their own self-esteem has this narcissistic inclination. The child grows up believing…

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Is Your Partner a Narcissist?

If your partner is a narcissist, you need to understand yourself before trying to communicate with him or her.  Decide what your own needs, wants, wishes, goals, and potential future may look like before you determine if your partner can understand not only his or her needs but yours. Self-Reflection precedes Communication with a Narcissist.…

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Signs and Symptoms of Narcissism

How do you look inside a narcissistic personality? 3 Primary Characteristic Traits of a Narcissist 1. Lack of empathy 2. Seeking admiration persistently 3. An underground unconscious side of the self that is avoided desperately by seeking external validation. Can Narcissists be Self-Aware? 1.If someone who truly cares about the narcissist brings to their awareness…

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Who is Attracted to Narcissists and Why

What conditions contribute to the attraction, intoxication, or codependency of one adult on another with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder? What is the codependent/narcissistic dynamic? The potentially codependent adult suffers from an inner belief that she or he is less important than others. These painful feelings that give this person an experience of themselves as inadequate…

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Short Stories for Quick Reads

  Whippoorwill I sit pensively in the boathouse on the lake stretching on my couch. I hear the water. Rustling louder, stronger. Rustling more like an ocean, coming closer at low tide. What could be there?  I’ve heard this rushing rustling before but when was it? It had to have been heard before but when?…

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Urban Farming and Community Supported Agriculture

Authority Magazine Martita Mestey May 8 · painting by Laurie Laurie Hollman: Urban Farming and Community Supported Agriculture; Why It’s Important and Why You Should Get Involved An Interview With Martita Mestey Keep in mind how the CSA farmer is competing for “principled dollars” and that the competition is the large supermarket chain. The recent…

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