Helping Children Make Hard Choices

How Do Parents Engage Their Kids About Hard Choices? Children agonize over hard choices. What group of friends to belong to can seem to define who they are. How hard to study may determine the course of their future grades and class placements. Deciding whether to following rules that they disagree with may make them…

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Make the Most Out of Your Enjoyment of Your Children in 2015

Enjoyment of Your Children Makes Life So Much Fun Articles about children often seem to focus on the stressors they give parents. We read how they misbehave, don’t listen, don’t go to sleep on time, aren’t grateful, change our social lives and are even called “naughty.” This year let’s take a new perspective seeing their…

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WONDER: How to Make Childhood Remarkable

How Do I Bring Wonder To My Child’s Life? A child’s mind is filled with wonder if we only capitalize on it as parents. We do this by going inside ourselves to ask questions about our environment and the people that fill our world. Why do we feel different ways at different times? Why do…

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There Are No Ordinary Children

What is This Idea About Being Ordinary?   Ordinary is a word some kids use to describe themselves.  They wish they had some quality they lack. Yet we also often hear kids of all ages say they want to fit in. Of course, they want to feel they belong. Some want to be popular and…

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