How Does the Parental Intelligence Way Effectively Help Cope with Cyberbullying?

What is Cyberbullying and What are its Effects? Bullying is a form of aggressive harassment that is unprovoked and repeatedly directed toward another individual or group of individuals. There is always a power differential. Additionally, bullying may inflict harm on the targeted youth—including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm. These are several characteristics of bullying:…

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Kids Helping Oneself and Others During the Pandemic

  During the Pandemic it’s a great time to help yourself and others in a positive way to adjust to our new temporary world as we all make history together. It’s a great time to brainstorm ways to connect with lots of people even while quarantine and social distancing are needed.   SUGGESTIONS FOR KIDS…

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How Do You Talk to Your Kids About the Pandemic?

  How do parents help their kids with the stress of the pandemic? All kids at different ages seek security and certainty about their daily lives. Suddenly, this has changed for parents and their kids due to the pandemic. The big questions are how to listen and how to respond to your kids as an…

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Stages in Adolescence: Early, Middle and Late

Understanding stages in adolescence is very important to parents when they want to comprehend what their teens are going through. Their chronological age may not correspond to their developmental age so perceptions may be different than what is expected. Early Adolescence Early adolescence is a time when kids begin to separate from their parents internally…

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Who Knows Your Child Best? You Do!

How Parents Foster Positive Emotional Development Becoming a keen observer of your child may go even further in fostering positive emotional development than self-help articles, parenting books, and parenting websites and blogs. As a writer of all of those, it may seem surprising for me make this suggestion, but you’re the one who spends the…

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