Pandemic Stress for Parents and Kids
Identifying and Managing Exhaustion in Kids
Some kids get exhausted. Exhaustion means extreme mental or physical fatigue. It also results from enervation, a feeling of being drained of energy or vitality; a weariness and fatigue that occurs when kids feel depleted due to stress. Different youngsters with a wide range of needs, beliefs, opinions, imaginings, intentions and goals may be suffering…
Read MoreHow Parents Handle Teen Romantic Relationships During the Pandemic
How parents relate to their teens and young adults or late adolescents with regard to their romantic relationships during the Pandemic is based to a large extent on the parent-teen relationship pre-COVID. Middle and late adolescence is certainly the time we expect young people to want relationships to grow and if they have had open…
Read MoreAngry Kids and the At-Home Working Parents Who Love Them.
Does your child’s alarm clock turn a wakeup call into a moody battle because he doesn’t see the point when he’s not going to school or camp due to COVID restrictions? Does your teen drop all his clothes on the floor, so you can’t walk through his room? Or, do you feel like your teen…
Read MoreSummertime Challenges for Families During the Pandemic
What challenges are families facing this summer that are different from the ones they are used to? Kids of different ages are accustomed to outdoor summer activities with lots of other kids. But general and specialized camps are closed this summer because it’s not safe for groups of kids to gather or for their counselors.…
Read MoreKids Helping Oneself and Others During the Pandemic
During the Pandemic it’s a great time to help yourself and others in a positive way to adjust to our new temporary world as we all make history together. It’s a great time to brainstorm ways to connect with lots of people even while quarantine and social distancing are needed. SUGGESTIONS FOR KIDS…
Read MoreThe Impact of Masks on Children–Should You Practice with a Stuffed Animal?
A stuffed animal for a child as young as one or two is often used as what is called a “transitional object” for his mother or other chief caretaker. That is, in the absence of the mother, the stuffed animal is an object whose smell, feel, and even expression give the child a sense of…
Read MoreWhat Should You Do If Your Kids are Afraid to Leave Home During the Pandemic?
Taking care of kids who are afraid to leave the home due to the Pandemic is a great concern for parents. Essential is to intervene quickly before the child increases his fears exponentially into a disorder called agoraphobia, fear of open spaces. The age of the child matters a great deal with regard to their…
Read MoreIn the Midst of World Changes, Will Narcissists See the Light?
Will narcissists see the light as history is being made around them? Spouses, parents, children, and others are quarantined in their homes. How does the narcissistic man fare in these close quarters? Can he relinquish his need for superiority, endless explanations of all his knowledge, the need for exceptional attention and validation, a yearning to…
Read MoreHow Do You Talk to Your Kids About the Pandemic?
How do parents help their kids with the stress of the pandemic? All kids at different ages seek security and certainty about their daily lives. Suddenly, this has changed for parents and their kids due to the pandemic. The big questions are how to listen and how to respond to your kids as an…
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