Posts Tagged ‘parents’
Who Knows Your Child Best? You Do!
How Parents Foster Positive Emotional Development Becoming a keen observer of your child may go even further in fostering positive emotional development than self-help articles, parenting books, and parenting websites and blogs. As a writer of all of those, it may seem surprising for me make this suggestion, but you’re the one who spends the…
Read MoreKids’ Healthy Expressions of Anger
Help your kids, children and teens, learn that anger is a healthy emotion that can be constructively shared. If kids learn this then they are less defiant, less oppositional, more open, and self-assertive. Here’s how to accomplish this feat!! Parenting Tips for Healthy Expressions of Anger Let kids know early on that anger is…
Read MoreBack to School Anxiety
Most children are stressed by the advent of going back to school after summer pleasures. But stress is not the same as back to school anxiety which is identified by avoidance of school preparation, avoidance of talking about school and irritability about the topic. Children who are naturally anxious or have anxiety disorders are the…
Read MoreCritical Thinking and the Importance of Plau
Play is often structured in games, sports, video games, and classes that teach something like karate or painting. But there are great advantages to unstructured play which is left to the imagination of the child. Without specific rules or an adult are left to use their own creativity to create narratives about whatever…
Read MoreHow Parents Help an Angry, Willful, Anxious Child
A Willful Child Needs to be a Skillful Child Willful children are a misnomer. They actually are belligerent because they can’t articulate their needs and express their anger and anxieties. Typically when parents face a child with a temper tantrum or oppositional behavior, they try to use rewards and punishments to teach the lessons they…
Read MoreParenting Without Punishment
Parenting without punishment is an unlikely concept to most parents. However, many tasks or rules we want followed feel like punishments to kids like chores, going to sleep on time, curfews, saying “No” to requests for material goods, and having limits on screen time of all types (phones, videos, T.V., computer youtubes, facebook, Instagram, twitter).…
Read MoreThe Essential Parent
The Essential Parent is one who is involved in the lives of those she lives with and has respect for herself. In an ideal world, parent and infant exist in an atmosphere of joy. But the world is real, and parent-child relationships are complex. An infant may grow up in one of any number of…
Read MoreListening to Your Children and Teens
Listen to your children and teens is the core of the Parental Intelligence Way. When you are puzzled by their behavior or shaken by their emotions like anxiety or anger, the key is to understand what is on their minds by listening nonjudgementally, attentively, and lovingly. Here are some tips to help them talk: Ask…
Read MoreHow Corporate Working Parents Reduce Anxiety on the Job
If you work in a corporate environment where competition is high, promotions are coming up, firings occur sporadically, and due dates are always around the corner, it’s hard to keep your anxiety at bay. If you are a working parent, the anxiety may become exponential at times when you have a troubled child that…
Read MoreWhen Kids Lie – Ask, “What Does the Lie Mean?
Do Your Kids Lie? Are you thrown when your kids lie? Sometimes they are little lies, like a three-year-old saying she brushed her teeth when she didn’t. Other times it’s about not actually doing a chore or more troubling, not handing in school assignments and saying all the work was done. What do you make…
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