Posts Tagged ‘parenting tips’
Changing Schools? 5 Parenting Tips on How Parents Help Kids Cope
5 Parenting Tips on How Parents Help Kids Cope with Changing Schools Your child or teen maybe changing schools because they are a year older and it’s time for middle or high school. But they also may be changing schools because you changed your residence and school district. They might be going to a…
Read MoreSupporting Teens Through Major Exams
Helping Prepare Teens Through Major Exams Supporting teens through major exams begins early in the year. Teens go through stressful times with spot quizzes, weekly tests and major exams. The major exams are the most difficult because they cover the largest amount of work that has been learned. There are many ways to help them…
Read MoreTransitioning to Middle School
Parenting Tips on Helping Your Child Transition to Middle School Transitioning from Elementary School to Middle School is a great challenge for many kids. The expectations of meeting new kids from other schools, having more serious school work, and meeting different teachers are part of the concerns. Then there is just negotiating the new landscape.…
Read MoreLate Stages of Teenage Development
A Parents Guide to Understanding Late Stages of Teenage Development – What Parents Need to Know About Late Stages of Teenage Life 1. Thinking About the Future As the last stage in child development, teenagers need to think about their future academically, socially, and in the work place. This is a time to help them…
Read MoreParents Need to Be Present When it Matters
The Available Parent Parents need to be present when it matters for their kids – crisis times such as down days, difficult exams, relationship breakdowns, changes in family dynamics and important transition times. How do you know what stresses them out? How do you make it clear that you are available anytime your child…
Read MoreWhat’s the Parenting Style of Thinking Parents?
Thinking Parents are the Parents of Today Today’s mothers and fathers are thinking parents who want to learn about parenting from the start not only because they want to be good at raising newborns, but because it makes parenting pleasureable and satisfying. Moms are delighted to learn that their babies in utero are already recognizing…
Read MoreTips for Having Conversations with Your Kids
The Importance of Conversations with Your Kids When was the last time you had some long conversations with your kids? Getting to know your child really well from infant to child to teenager is one of the joys of parenthood but we get so busy scheduling, organizing activities and meals, plus very often, working outside…
Read MoreHow Do Parents Know When It’s Time for Toilet Training?
Toilet Training – How Do I Know When to Start? Toilet training can be such a conundrum. I once read about a child who knocked on the bathroom door insisting, “Let me in! Let me in!” So, let him in! That child is ready for toilet training. I’ve observed parents who train their kids in…
Read MoreTips to Help a Parent Cope with a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
How Does a Parent Cope with a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? Many children and teenagers are diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Parents are familiar with the list of symptoms and often get professionals to help their child modify their disorganization, distractibility, and hyperactivity. But rarely are the parents given guidance on…
Read MoreHow Do You Understand Why Kids Don’t Listen
When Kids Don’t Listen Don’t you wonder why kids don’t listen? You try your best but you have those days when your kids seem indifferent to you? No matter what you say or how you say it, it feels like it falls on deaf ears. It’s frustrating and annoying and pretty hard to tolerate, so…
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