Posts Tagged ‘Pandemic’
5 Things Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Thrive and Excel in School
Dr. Laurie Hollman On The 5 Things Parents Can Do To Help Their Children Thrive and Excel In School Authority Magazine Dec 23, 2021 · 13 min read Parents need to be open and delighted to learn from their children who are growing up in a world so different than the previous generations. Parents need…
Read MorePraise for Public Schools
Schools are doing a great job keeping a close eye on kids with COVID despite careful masking all day long and vaccinations for everyone age allowed. Despite careful coverage, some cases slip through and all children and families involved are quarantined rapidly after full testing. This is great for everyone’s safety and well-being. It’s well-documented…
Read MoreThe Future of Research on the Effect of the Pandemic on Mothers and Babies
I have been thinking about the impact of COVID-19 on mothers and infants as a high stress trauma lasting for a prolonged period of time. Early trauma has always been known to affect infants and mothers but primarily when they are separated. This is not the case here. The effect on children of 9-11 was…
Read MoreHow Does the Parental Intelligence Way Effectively Help Cope with Cyberbullying?
What is Cyberbullying and What are its Effects? Bullying is a form of aggressive harassment that is unprovoked and repeatedly directed toward another individual or group of individuals. There is always a power differential. Additionally, bullying may inflict harm on the targeted youth—including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm. These are several characteristics of bullying:…
Read MoreTips for Families to Integrate Technology at Home in a Healthy Way During the Pandemic
Technology is being used more often during the pandemic by kids and and their parents to become educated, connect with others, enjoy online activities, take courses, build computer skills, educate kids and increase at home adult work. How do parents work with their kids in a collaborative way to use this opportunity for healthy online…
Read MoreHow Do you Know a True Hero from a Narcissist?
Today on the front lines are health workers in hospitals with the severe cases of the Corona Virus during the Pandemic risking their own lives to benefit others. We applaud them, revere them, admire them, view them as superior human beings of great importance who are special and unique with unusual empathy for others. They…
Read MoreBe Positive About Everyday Stuff During Quarantine and Expand Brain Power
During quarantine people are getting restless about basic stuff like getting their hair cut, avoiding gray hair color, keeping fit, and hugging. But lots of people are also getting very creative. You can do physical therapy and full body exercise on line with a creative coach. You can watch you tubes about cutting your own…
Read MoreThe Impact of Masks on Children–Should You Practice with a Stuffed Animal?
A stuffed animal for a child as young as one or two is often used as what is called a “transitional object” for his mother or other chief caretaker. That is, in the absence of the mother, the stuffed animal is an object whose smell, feel, and even expression give the child a sense of…
Read MoreWhat Should You Do If Your Kids are Afraid to Leave Home During the Pandemic?
Taking care of kids who are afraid to leave the home due to the Pandemic is a great concern for parents. Essential is to intervene quickly before the child increases his fears exponentially into a disorder called agoraphobia, fear of open spaces. The age of the child matters a great deal with regard to their…
Read MoreHow Do You Talk to Your Kids About the Pandemic?
How do parents help their kids with the stress of the pandemic? All kids at different ages seek security and certainty about their daily lives. Suddenly, this has changed for parents and their kids due to the pandemic. The big questions are how to listen and how to respond to your kids as an…
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