Stages in Adolescence: Early, Middle, and Late Development

Understanding stages in adolescence is very important to parents when they want to comprehend what their teens are going through. Their chronological age may not correspond to their developmental age so perceptions may be different than what is expected. Early Adolescence Early adolescence is a time when kids begin to separate from their parents internally…

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Parenting Kids Through Separation Anxiety

Separation Anxiety in The Early Years During the first three years of life, kids are just beginning to understand that their parents have not vanished when they can no longer be seen. Some children take longer than others to understand this. Those who find this difficult often experience separation anxiety, feelings that their parents are…

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10 Tips on Living a Mentally Healthy Life

Living an emotionally healthy life is crucial to the well-being and productivity of children and adults. Here are some of my favorite tips: Get enough rest. Pursue an interest that inspires you either in your career or general life. Always continue to learn whether you are a student in an organized program or not. Learning…

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Managing Anxiety in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers

Anxiety in preschoolers is important for parents. Managing anxiety in under fives depends very much on their ability to verbalize. If their vocabulary isn’t large it’s important to attend to their body language. Here are some tips for managing anxiety in infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Infants Infancy from birth to age one is a wonderful…

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Kids’ Healthy Expressions of Anger

  Help your kids, children and teens, learn that anger is a healthy emotion that can be constructively shared. If kids learn this then they are less defiant, less oppositional, more open, and self-assertive. Here’s how to accomplish this feat!! Parenting Tips for Healthy Expressions of Anger Let kids know early on that anger is…

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Parenting Kids with Overt and Covert Anxiety

Parenting kids with overt and covert anxiety using Parental Intelligence will ease their minds.Kids show their anxiety in overt and covert ways. For some it is obvious. They are nervous, panicky, fearful, obsessive, phobic, and socially awkward. But others show anxiety indirectly masked behind unusual irritability, frustration, annoyance, and even anger that seems out of…

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What Adolescents Need from their Parents

    What do adolescents  need from their parents that is different from what they needed as younger children? They actually continue to need the same loving care but in new ways that respect the growing autonomy of the adolescents. Central to the teenagers’ needs is the ability of their parents to listen to them…

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Parenting Through Temper Tantrums

What is a Tantrum? A tantrum occurs when a child’s whole system of managing their feelings and thoughts collapses. A tantrum is a communication that seems to happen suddenly for both child and parent. The child may lie down on the floor with flailing arms and legs, screaming and crying. The parent needs to discover…

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